How to even begin narrating things that have already happened so long ago? Maybe with the earliest event. (As I'm typing I'm actually looking at the calender trying to piece together my life of 3 months ago) . During the semester break in the month of September under the persuasion and cajoling of my classmate D , I signed myself up for a event known as TAYMUN (Taylors Model of United Nations).
As you can see from the name tag up there I represent the Kingdom of Thailand which is actually just another fancy smancy way of saying Thailand, which everyone associates with transvestites, seriously over the duration of the event the joke I told that garnered the most laughter was "Well, Thailand is secretly assembling an army of transvestites to take over the world." I feel kinda miffed that out of all the witty (or so I think) things I said, THIS sentence has to be the one that is well received. I need crash courses on humour with Russel Peters.
But I digress.
TAYMUN is actually a really 'cool' event, contrary to its name 'Taylors', participants were from many different institutions. A short background info on what it is coming right in this paragraph. MUN or Model of United Nations is actually an academic simulation of the United Nations that aims to educate participants about civics, current events, effective communication, globalization and multilateral diplomacy (lifted off Wikipedia as usual) . The participants, or students, take on roles as being a country's diplomat and participate in a simulated session of an intergovernmental organization (IGO). Generally we have to research our given country and investigate the current issues happening, then we have to debate and actually come up with a mock solution to the world's problems. United Nations, is an international organization whose stated aims are facilitating cooperation in international law, international security, economic development, social progress, human rights, and achievement of world peace.
There you have it, the wonderful TAYMUN event all listed out for you. From that stupendously boring text up there, can you imagine what a nightmare was it to be Thailand? I'm not even sure where I should stand most of the time, and it was especially mortifying to be reminded about where I should plead my allegiance while I was strongly opposing a motion that I *PERSONALLY* was against. I remember that the USA diplomat was constantly stressing on how pushing the motion forward is going to prove beneficial to USA and its allies and to quote him "like Japan, THE KINGDOM OF THAILAND , just to name a few'. Mortifying.
There were three motions being debated on during the 3 day event of TAYMUN, and they were
1) The reformation of the Security Council
2) The prevention of arms race in space. (The motion I was against, but forced to concur as my country supported it)
3) The status of government that hold associations with terrorist organisations.
The above two pictures shows my group hard at work doing something called lobbying where we come up with a proposal to fit the motion as in why we should/should not support the motion. Generally we brainstorm till we have a piece of paper that will hopefully stand the attacks of anyone disagreeing with it. It was my first time writing a proposal , and I had to say I was lucky as one of the chairperson guided me through the entire process, invaluable experience may I add. However it did not get through, oh well.
At the end of the day I was really humbled by the amount of talent being displayed at TAYMUN by people who were younger than me (12~13) or elder than me (19 I think) and I have truly gained a lot from this event. If there ever were a chance for me to participate in this event again I would definitely hop onto the boat no hesitations whatsoever!
Then it was pretty much endless studying since the finals were so close, Oct 13 to Nov 19 for that matter, and it pretty much explains my long hiatus from the virtual world, though not facebook. I have to admit facebook has sneakily wormed its way into my daily schedule and it's not showing signs of budging. So now it's wake up, facebook, do my stuff, facebook, eat, facebook, study, facebook, sleep.
Yeah, I'm truly a facebook addict, my life is heading towards a downward spiral. I spend all my free time liking stuff on facebook, pathetic really, but I can't help myself from nodding in agreement at all the statuses. =/
And I digress YET again.
So during the uneventful month of October, we discovered a small ice cream palour by the name of Gelateria in Kota Kemuning. (We being my mom, my sister and I)
And what you are looking at is actually their specialty which is making spaghetti or any kind of Italian dish really out of ice cream. Yes people, that is ICE CREAM spaghetti on a white plate. Doesn't this make your mouth flood with saliva with the anticipation of tasting it? Unfortunately you can only tempt yourselves with this wonderful picture for I once again cannot direct you there. I feel like I totally FAIL as a food blogger because I absolutely have no sense of direction. No inkling whatsoever!
It's really a nice place, tucked cozily away from the hustle and bustle of the KK town. If I ever find the address I will post it up here again. Till then, SALIVATE in vain!
November caught me unawares as I've been stuck in a limbo of endless revising for endless examinations, I wake up, I look at my books until it's time to sleep again. However, November was (is) one heck of a month. Bittersweet and filled with nostalgia.
From left : FG, Me, YX, and Leona (fellow blogger here on blogspot, check her out at and this is a rare sight of here in UNIFORM! Bwahahahahahahahhahahahahahahaha)
That's because all my high school friends graduated during the month of November! I can't believe 5 years passed by so fast, it seemed only yesterday that we were all little kids in white uniform and now look at them, graduated and ready to test the outside world. Life passes us by in leaps and bounds. I am so so very proud of all my friends. Happy Graduation and all the best in future undertakings, and remember WE ARE HIN HUA!
For me, I didn't graduate from my high school at all, I actually left school. So there was no graduation ceremony or anything for me to attend. When I made the decision to leave, everyone said that I will feel sad about all these lost memories, and I actually scoffed at that idea, I mean it's just graduation, to achieve some things in life there must be a few sacrifices along they way. Little did I know I sacrificed one of the best years of my life, and no matter how great my new life is, it cannot replace the lost year. The year where friendships are forged with a steel like bond and gratitude is taught not through books but through life's rites of passage. The last years you know.
One weird thing about me is : I have an abysmal memory when it comes to remembering organic compound names and reactions, but I can with absolute clarity remember every sequence of events leading right up to my enrollment in HHHS, and I can always remember how my Mandarin was so different from the rest of the form for apparently according to my friends I spoke with an English accent, the highlight of my wonderfully immature 13 year old peers' life at that point of time was to listen to me reading a passage in Mandarin, it cracked them up. I remember donning on the pristine white uniform with the starched skirt, I remember all the bits and pieces of life there, I remember the laughter shared, the tears shed, the friendships made and then broken. I remember and I remember and I thank HH, for she partly moulded who I am today.
Like I said nostalgia to the maximum.
So thus ends this long post after a long hiatus..fitting actually. And rest assured there IS more to come.
So the lion sleeps tonight then!
I live in your chess game but you change the rules everyday.
Signing off, with hugs and kisses galore,
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