Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Long Hiatus.

So, what's up?

Recently I haven't been here updating, mainly because I have been too busy *cough* STUDYING *cough*, life has taken on this routine, which involves me going to sleep 3 hours before I leave for college then frantically downing Vit B like some junkie in hopes it can give me an energy boost equivalent to a good night's sleep.

Anyway, in spite of that, `tis time to talk about something that I love.

MUN! (which I've joined like aeons ago)

For those of you that don't know what is MUN (see here, particularly the paragraph after the super dark photo kthxbai). The first time I participated I was actually quite quiet, this time I was kinda quiet, I guess that's what they call slight improvement. However this time, I totally lost my wit and was talking at the speed of light, and it was so serious that the chair had to be called upon to intervene to get me to talk slower. It had become such a normality that if anyone raises their placard during my speech the chair automatically turns to me and says 'could the delegate of Brazil please slow down.' I am actually speechless, as to why am I so NERVOUS up there. *pensive face*, I guess it's my lack of research? Oh well, many more MUNs to join and refine my technique. During that short but intense 3 days, I've met really fun people, and I was the oldest there, which made me even more conscious of the fact that I can't be really an air headed teenage girl anymore, and my dreams should be more realistic instead of idealistic and also, naivety is so passe. Also, it made me realized that we shouldn't stereotype teenagers as lazy and unmotivated beings, I mean those 'kiddies' I've mixed with the past 3 days were really in tune with what's happening in the world, and they had really good ideologies on how to change things, furthermore, the questions they raised during the debate on resolutions sounded really knowledgeable. Ahh, bright minds, I sure hoped some of their intellect rubbed of me.

By the way, I actually joined the HRC, which is the Human Rights Council, and I think I'll stick to this from now on, this is actually something I love debating about.

Side note, GIS is such a wonderful school, in terms of the building layout, I'm not sure about the syllabus, but judging from the amount of activity I can see during the weekend I was there, I guess classes must be pretty stellar too.

Anyhow, anyhoo, here are some pictures, no blog post is complete without one.

Total random shot, was at the waiting room in the school's foyer (yes they have a foyer with tiles that look like marble) and I realised that my super chio nails matched the BLUE and ORANGE seats in the room, so I just had to take a picture.

The Delegate of Brazil at your service.


Will update soon,



Like a shoebox of photographs with sepia-toned loving

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