Saturday, August 28, 2010

And The Drums, The Drums, The Drums.


Track me down if you can X)

Just to let the world know 


Suddenly in the dead of the night I got hit by a wave of nostalgia, so I decided to see if my school uniform could still fit me, and surprise surprise, it COULD!

All I need now is black hair and I can infiltrate the school again! X)

Just in case anyone was wondering, Hin Hua High School is a Chinese independent school. The student number is our registration number, for me it says 2005353 , meaning during the year 2005 I registered as the #353 student in the school. So all our records are stored under this number and if the school needs information about you like where you live, what's your contact number, who are your parents etc etc, all they need to do is to key in this number into the database and BAM, all your information comes out, including how many times you have been punished and the awards you've won and even the societies you'd join. It's the ultimate way to stalk us students.

The all white ensemble of our school uniform is to symbolize the purity and simplicity of students and to portray that this is a point of time we were all untainted by the harshness of the world, also white is simple to upkeep and doesn't need much maintenance, but it's really torture on female students, for reasons you all can understand.

So there it is again, a glimpse to my randomness.
Leaving you all for the wonderful motions of forces and the things they do to objects,
Hugs and Kisses,

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