Wednesday, January 5, 2011

The Dreaded New Year's Resolutions.

By now, probably you'd have probably made about 5 NYR (new year's resolution). Amongst those it'll probably be things like, I will lose weight(totally unrealistic and the fastest to fizzle out), I will be a better person, I will spend more time with my family, I will quit _______ (Insert some bad habit).

Or something among those lines.

And you will diligently keep to your promise, right until sometime in April, where you will most probably crash AND burn, and forget the NYRs you've made, UNTIL the next new year's eve party.

Resolutions are easy to make, hard to follow and each time you fail at it, it's just piling up to show how you CAN'T take control of your life and you're a failure at simple things.

Soooo, THIS year, to avoid all those disappointments of failing, I've made only ONE new year's resolution. That's right! You've doggone heard me right, I've made only ONE/UNO/SINGULAR/NOT PLURAL/ new year's resolution.

If I achieve this, at the end of the year, on 31st Dec 2011 I will post my happy pic with SUCCESS emblazoned all over it. Just kidding, if I achieve my resolution, I'm going to treat myself to something yummy/wonderful.

To everyone out there who made new year's resolutions!! The beginning may be easy but don't forget perseverance for the rest of the year! So GOOD LUCK!!!

Love, Hugs and Kisses,


Love and happiness Wait a minute something's going wrong Someone's on the phone Three o'clock in the morning Talkin' about, how she can make it right Well, happiness is when You really feel good, about somebody Nothing wrong with being in love with someone.


  1. WOW, new theme ^^ nice~
    firstly,wish u lost ur weight XD
    secondly, well, make ur NYR come true , and What's it? XD find a way back to love again :X
    lastly, keep in touch :D

    Al Green -- love and happiness

  2. :P
    Congrats, so far you're the only one who told me the song name. Nice right? I am sooo addicted to this song!
    I don't think I managed to lose weight lar, during Christmas got so much yummyyy food =\
    and my New Year's resolution is not something so lame like that!! I'll tell when the year ends =)
