Today.......I just discovered this....
I think I'm growing an additional tooth!!!
Ok I can feel this tiny bump way back on my upper behind the back molars...
When I freaked out to my mom..all she said was..'so? It could be Wisdom tooth mar~"
MOM!!! Do you even know what you are saying to your daughter?? (who by the way had only turned 18 for like 4 months and cannot handle this development of having wisdom tooth)...HOW CAN YOU BE SO CALM?!
I could be those rare cases that have wisdom tooth coming out like....horizontally!!! Then I'll to surgically remove it!! Even though it only occurs 3% of the time..but still!! there might be a possibility of it happening~If it is so...(growing horizontally) it'll be growing towards the roots of my MOLAR!!.... People can have like NERVE INJURY in the extraction of wisdom teeth!!
*takes DEEEEEEP breathes*
Ok..I should stop freaking out now...Ok..think of it rationally...So far it's early stages and I won't let it affect my daily routine..I'll just go for a check up when the tooth gets bigger..and though I won't say..a rough self examination reveals that I may have 3 growing....oh gosh!!!!!!!!3!!!!!!!!!
Time now it 8.59PM I just saw this on my FB
Omigosh..the set design people are amazing!!!!!!
Felt really bad that I couldn't be there today to help out..oh well....><
Still going crazy..
ReplyDeleteYou're growing a WISDOM TOOTH??!!
Hey!!Is that painful?
Checked up already or not?
Your mom...HAHA!! LMAO!She's so calm!!But normally the elders are all like that.Things we thought that are serious but for them,they will just show their poker faces and think of we're childish.
Lolz...hey babe..
ReplyDeleteyeah it's confirmed d Im growing wisdom teeth
but it doesn't hurt (yet!)
Yeah yeah..she thinks that this situation is a small matter only..=)