Tuesday, July 13, 2010


There was a drug awareness campaign in college today. In the morning I still did not know that there was going to be this campaign, and I overhead this conversation between 2 security guards of the college.

Guard 1 : Apa kereta itu buat situ? ( What is that car doing over there)

Guard 2 : Itu..hantar dadah punya. (That car is here sending drugs over)

I was literally speechless...to anyone who was insouciantly passing by..that phrase could have been misinterpreted in hundreds of ways...and none of them in a good way.

There was more interesting convos that I've overheard and this one is between the speaker and one student of our college.

Student 1 : ( pointing to a plastic case containing heroin inside) "Yang ini benar ke?' (Is this real?)

Speaker : Ini dadah semua benar. (All the drugs here are real)

Student 1 : Boleh cuba ah? (Can try ah?)

Highly amusing X)

Anyway, don't take drugs. Love thyself and love life.

[The blood cells pixelate and the eyes dilate Kiss away all these thrills and kills On the mouths of all my friends]

Anyway, below here is some of my emofied ramblings...just ignore it if it annoys you.

Just so tired recently, so tired and oh so sorry, for all the wrongs that I have done. 

I never wanted to build my happiness on someone else's sorrow. Never.

I so sorry.


I'm not letting go either.


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