Thursday, May 13, 2010

Shit happens~

Today I was brutally reminded why I don't wear heels to college..

I only wore it in the 1st place is cause I have to attend some teacher's day celebration in college..since every class had to send 2 representatives to that and S had to sacrifice our 2 hour break to go there..( I sneaked out after half and hour to study Bio..bad me...) 

Actually I was kinda disappointed in how the entire thing was conducted...In the first place..students were not encouraged to attend the event which was disappointing..I mean some people might have wanted to support this event but were already told beforehand that they can't go for this event...Then on the day of the was suddenly announced that every class can send 10 representatives....can you say 'what?'

In the MPH..there was this pathetic congregation of students to support the event..and there were a whole lot of teachers....*cue the 'what'*...Anyway..I supposed at the end it got the performances by students were great and the games for the teachers were well conducted..

Anyway..the point was..walking in heels on the road..the stairs..and even on the grounds of a KILLER...crap betul..shouldn't have wore it in the 1st place..since I was only there for half and hour....My poor feet...


*Take this sinking boat and point it home
We've still got time, raise your hopeful voice
You had the choice, you've made it now*

Love this song..I haven't listen to it for soo long..finally listened to it again...gosh...LURVE it SOO MUCH!!!! <3>

Something happened today..that suddenly put my life into perspective..I suddenly realised just how privileged I am to be actually studying in Taylors....I can't really elaborate on the event that jolted me..but all I have to say is..Good luck...Good luck to you and I sincerely hope that everything works out..and if you ever need someone to talk know my number...=)

So this is what life is I's all about's all about how we deal with obstacles....For me..I guess I tend to hope for the best and expect the worst..such as in dealing with all my problems..that way I can fall back on the excuse of "I've expected it as such"....which is kinda lame in the sense I'm not really facing up to disappointment..I just chuck 'disappointment' into this category:'screw it..I'm not dealing with this anymore'...signs of escapism... 

Shouldn't have listened to that song...Melancholy mood now....

Hoping for the best...


p/s : all my love..and will miss you lots if what you're planning to do really happen....hope you eventually pull through this difficult phase in life...=)


Convo yesterday with my sis

Me: Cool my eyes are brown..Come see this J

Sis: Yeah..cooool..I can see your pupils dilating..what colour are mine??

Me: oo..yours is black..

Sis: Black? Darn it! signs of an asian!

Me: swt...what's wrong with black eyes..

Sis: Just the fact that they're not brown!

*effects of too much bio and sis being too random~*

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